Northborough Fire Station Project


To submit questions or comments to the Fire Station Building click on the link below. You question/comment will be discussed at the next scheduled committee meeting and a reply will be drafted.

Questions submitted will be reviewed by the board and discussed at our next scheduled meeting

FAQ    Submit questions or comments Building committee Members


       Limited Space fore apparatus                             FRont of Bays                        No Room Between Ambulances 

                                                                                                               Limited Space for Apparatus 

       Mechanics Room                          Gear exposed to UV Light                                  Hose Tower Storage

             Mechanic's Room                               Protective Gear Exposed to UV light and no ventilation                             Hose Tower used for Storage 

                   Dive Equipment stored in Utility Room               Training Room & Gym             Office Space

                  Dive Equip Stored in Utility Room                     Training/Meeting Room & Gym                                              Limited Office Space


Design As Of June 6th

View from the NorthwestView from the NortheastView from the West


Budget Tracking

As we continue work on this project we want you to be able to see an overview of the changes to the bottom line of the proposed budget. Below you will see the initial budget that was developed based on the schematic design and the most recent budget after our first review.


PROPOSED Meeting and Project Schedule

All Dates and Times are subject to change and some most likely will.

DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2/29/2024- 5/29/2024
Prequalification Process July
FSBC Construction Document Review (anticipate 50% completed)6:30 PM7/31/2024
Construction Document Cost Estimate 7/26/2024-8/16/2024
Deadline to notify the Secretary of State for Ballot Vote 8/7/2024
FSBC Construction Document Review (anticipate 75% completed)6:30 PM8/28/2024
Construction Documents issued for Bid 9/20/2024
BIDDING PHASE 9/23/2024-10/25/2024
Deadline for Selectboard to place project on the ballot 9/24/2024
Bidding 9/23/2024-10/25/2024
Special Town Meeting No later than 10/14/2024
Debt Exclusion Vote 11/5/2024
Contract Signed with General Contractor 11/6/2024
Ground Breaking  Beginning of 2025
Estimated Construction Phase of 14 Months 1/1/2025- 3/30/2026

Past Meetings and Presentations! 

Meeting Links provided are for any related meeting that is not a scheduled FSBC meeting. All FSBC meetings can be viewed using the link in the first item below. 

Past meetings on YouTubeClick here to view our past meetings
Chief Presentation to Selectboard 11/06/2023Chief's Selectboard Meeting Presentation
Joint FSBC, Design Review, and MPIC 12/14/2023Presentation for Joint FSBC, Design Review and MPIC
FSBC Meeting 1/10/2024 PresentationFSBC 01/10/2024   Presentation
Public Input Meeting 1/17/2024Public Input Session 01/17/2024 Presentation
Design Review Committee Presentation          Meeting Link
FSBC 1/31/2024 FSBC 01/31/2024 Presentation
FSBC 2/14/2024FSBC 02/14/2024 Presentation
Design Review 2/29/2024Meeting Link
FSBC Selectboard  3/11/2024Presentation
FSBC/Design Review 3/20/2024Exterior Design Options
ZBA  3/26/2024Meeting Link
FSBC 03/27/2024Presentation
FSBC 4/3/2024 
Design Review 4/16/2024Meeting Link
Planning Board 4/16/2024Meeting Link
FSBC 5/01/2024 
Community Information session 5/8/2024Presentation
Design Review Committee 5/9/2024Meeting Link
Conservation Commission 5/13/2024Meeting Link

FSBC Development Cost Estimate 06/05/2024

Link to Pare and HKT response to proposal to eliminate the southern wall  and Meeting Presentation

Conservation Commission 6/10/2024

Meeting Link
Planning Board Meeting 06/18/2024Meeting Link
FSBC 7/3/2024 

Selectboard Meeting to Place question on the Ballot and 

Set Town Meeting

Meeting Link                      Presentation

Previous Meeting MinutesMinutes