Apple Pie and Ice Cream with Cider to Drink
Event Date: 
Friday, September 20, 2019 - 11:30am

Day: Friday
Date: September 20
Pre-Registration Required/Tickets $12
Time: 11:30 AM
Where: The Bistro@119

The menu includes: choice of Corn Chowder with Bacon or Butternut Squash Bisque. Choice of: Chicken Caesar Salad Roll up or Tuna with Lettuce and Tomato Roll up. Bag of Chips, Pickles, Fruit Garnish, Caramel Apple Cobbler with Whipped Cream, Coffee, Tea, Bottle of
Water and Apple Cider. Reservations are required in advance and tickets are available at the Senior Center starting September 3. Tickets must be paid for by Monday, September 16. Winners of the Applefest Bake-Off will be announced at this luncheon.