Tai Chi for Vets

Event Date: 
Tuesday, December 3, 2019 - 9:00am

Day: Tuesdays
Time: 9:00 AM
Cost: Free for Veterans Only
Leader: Kristin Higgins

This new class is for Veterans only. It offers an amazing experience with every class. Beginning or intermediate Tai Chi player – there’s something for everyone. Nothing to learn. Nothing to “get right.” Just bring yourself an open mind, and a willingness to let go.

Kristin Higgins, a certified TaijiFit International Instructor, wants to give Military Veterans  the opportunity to experience the amazing health and calm that Taiji can bring. Free to Veterans and their families! Come see how this class can help YOU. TaijiFit is a mind/body “exercise’ that combines the best of the tai Chi with modern Western fitness.  Please call the Senior Center for more information about this class.