EARTHNOTES: Mindful Nature Journaling

Event Date: 
Thursday, July 29, 2021 - 11:00am

EARTHNOTES: Mindful Nature Journaling
Event Date: Thursday, June 10, 2021
6 Weekly Sessions beginning on Thursday, June 10th through July 15th
Time: 11:00 AM
Northborough Senior Center Patio
All Supplies Provided.
No cost thanks to a grant from MW Health Foundation

Feeling cooped up and/or isolated, think spending some regular, focused time with nature could improve your mental & emotional health? Would you benefit from a structured way of connecting with nature? Please join us for Earthnotes, a nature journaling series from The Nature Connection!

Our goal is to help you experience the sense of well-being that can come through deepening your relationship with nature by providing the space and structure to engage with the natural world around you.

You will be given guidance and support in creating your own nature journal (paper or digital). We’ll be exploring and observing how the plant and animal life change with the season through creativity, imagination, and documentation. Program time will be primarily conversational, as we take turns sharing any discoveries and questions that have come up during the week. We will also introduce a new nature journaling technique each week and have a chance to practice it during the program. Your journal can be in whatever format you want (photography/video, writing, drawing/painting, or spoken word). It is a tool for your own expression and observations - have fun with it!